The skin is the largest organ in the human body. Many things can go wrong, but luckily most can readily be treated. Many diseases of the skin are generally cosmetic problems as well. Insurance will pay for most problems as long as it is not considered purely cosmetic.

Overall, if you are healthy, eat well, drink plenty of water and avoid too much sun, your skin will be healthy too. Many common skin conditions are readily treated by a family doctor and don’t require a dermatologist.At Rocky Top Medical, we treat most or all skin conditions with the latest techniques in skin rejuvenation. Infections such as abscesses and boils need to incised and drained. Sometimes antibiotics are required.
If you have anything new growing on your skin, make sure you tell us about it during your visit. It is a good idea to let us inspect your skin once a year for skin cancer and precancerous conditions that can readily be treated.